you are a man, you have the ability to pursue your dreams, and you are so powerful

Monday, April 21, 2014

Warren Buffett: A symbol of Greatness

Warren Buffett is all about ‘Simple Living, High Thinking’. He also has many hobbies and knows how to enjoy life as well.
Warren Buffett is a great player of the game, ‘Bridge’. He has worked in an animated series which features Buffett and Munger and teaches children healthy financial habits. He also follows the Nebraska Football and he takes time out to watch the matches.
As a philanthropist also he has gathered much respect. He auctioned his Car to raise money for Girls and auctioned a luncheon with himself for a charity. In 2006, he announced a plan to give away his fortune to charity, with 83% of it going to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Buffett married Susan Buffett Thompson in 1952. They got separated but Warren Buffett never married again. They had three children, Susie, Howard, and Peter. He says – “I want to give my kids just enough so that they would feel that they could do anything, but not so much that they would feel like doing nothing”.
This statement is an apt example of his greatness. It is not surprising that there are many books written in honor of Warren Buffett. But his personal favorite is collection of his essays called The Essays of Warren Buffett, which he described as “a coherent rearrangement of ideas from my annual report letters” as edited by Larry Cunningham.
Warren Buffett’s life is an apt example of Intelligence when combined with action leads to success. According to Buffett “You only have to do a very few things right in your life, so long as you don’t do too many things wrong.” And this genius continues to march ahead in the new pastures of possibilities.

Famous Quotes

Here are some famous Warren Buffett quotes
1. “Rule Number one Number one – Don’t lose the money and number two – don’t forget rule number 1!”
2. “An investor needs to do very few things right as long as he or she avoids big mistakes.”
3. “It is not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results.”
4. “If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians.”
5. “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”
6. “Most people get interested in stocks when everyone else is. The time to get interested is when no one else is. You can’t buy what is popular and do well.”
7. “I always knew I was going to be rich. I don’t think I ever doubted it for a minute.”
8. “I never attempt to make money on the stock market. I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for five years.”
9. “If a business does well, the stock eventually follows.”
10. “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”
11. “It’s far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.”
12. “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.”
13. ”Never invest in a business you cannot understand.”
14. ”Stop trying to predict the direction of the stock market, the economy, interest rates, or elections.”
15. ”Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls-Royce to get advice from those who take the subway.”
16. ”As far as you are concerned, the stock market does not exist. Ignore it.”
17. ”Diversification is a protection against ignorance. It makes very little sense for those who know what they’re doing.”
18. ”It’s only when the tide goes out that you learn who’s been swimming naked.”
19. ”We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.”
20. “Our favorite holding period is forever.”
Warren Buffett is the most successful investors our living times and is one of the very few billionaires who have amassed wealth majorly through investing in stocks. Warren Buffett is bestowed with titles like “The Oracle of Omaha” and the “Sage of Omaha”. Warren Buffett continues to shine bright as an Investor, Businessman and Philanthropist. With a net worth of US $37 billion in 2009, Warren Edward Buffett is ranked as the second richest man in the world, just after his good friend Bill Gates who had the net worth of $40 Billion.


1) God’s foundational key to Gods strategy for ruling earth from heaven is the male man.
2) God’s original purpose is to extend his Heavenly kingdom to Earth. He wanted to colonize earth with heaven; he wanted to extend his invisible kingdom to this visible earth.
3) God’s goal was to fill the earth with the culture of heaven. When a kingdom colonizes a territory, it fills the territory with its culture.
4) One of the great mistakes of the church is it has reversed God’s program. It preoccupies people to leave earth, when in fact the instruction was to occupy till He comes.
5) Man was never created to dominate other men, but to dominate earth. You and I were created to dominate the resources of earth in the area of gifting. God gave all of us dominion, not over people, not even over your wife.
6) Discovery of your purpose is the source of your personal leadership. Leadership has to do with self discovery than it has to do with leading people. True leaders never seek followers, followers are attracted to the gift of the leader.
7) Vision is a preview of your purpose.
8) Man is spirit and spirits have no gender. You’ll never find in the Bible a reference to a male/female spirit. God took the first man, and put him in a body, and the first body God made was a male. Man comes in two models: male and female.
9) God only made only 1-human from the soil and he never went back. Not even women came from the soil. Out of the male body God pulled out a woman. God gave the woman the instruction to be an incubator for the man.
10) Wherever there is no management, God retards growth. Whatever you mismanage, you loose. If you mismanage your wife, you loose her.
11) Eden is a Hebrew word meaning presence. Hidden is not a place, it’s an environment. God created man to live in Eden.
12) The devil has no problem with women coming to church. The devil knows that if men ever get back into Gods presence, the family will come back to order. The devil hates a worshipping man.
13) The first place God put man was in his presence. The second thing God gave man is work. God gave man work before woman. The third thing God gave man is to take care of the garden, the fourth; to protect; the fifth to teach; and the sixth, responsibility in the garden.
14) The devil works so hard on the male, even to confuse him about his own sexuality. This is why pornography is so strong on the male to corrupt him. Every advertisement is targeted at the male is a woman’s naked body with her breasts hanging out.
15) The male was created first. First doesn’t mean you are better, it means you are responsible for everything that comes after you. God never taught the woman anything, He automatically made the male her teacher.
16) Two, the first thing God gave the male was image, because the most important thing males must have is a self image. Three, the first place God put the man was in Eden, in His presence. Four, the first command God gave to man was to work. Five, to Cultivate; Six, to Protect; Seven, to Obey My word.
17) The key to manhood is work.
18) The first command God gave man was to work, not to pray or worship.
19) Work is Eragon. It means to become, to manifest, to fulfil, to reveal, to become yourself; in other words, to discover to become what you ought to become through self manifestation.
20) Your work is not your job. Your job is what they pay you to do; your job is what you were born to do. You can retire from your job, you can’t retire from your work, coz your work is your gift.
21) God has hid in every male an awesome vision he is to become. You are not supposed to go to work, you are supposed to manifest work. Nobody can fire you from being yourself.
22) The average man has never discovered himself, that’s why women are confused.
23) Your work is your purpose; your purpose is the original reason why you were created. A bird was born to fly, when its flying, it’s working. A fish was born to swim, when its swimming, it’s working.
24) You cannot hire a gift.
25) Your work is your source of your vision. Vision is purpose in pictures. When you see what you were born to do in pictures, that your vision. When you find your purpose and see it in pictures, you’ve discovered your vision.
26) You were born because of purpose, not to find it.
27) There is something God wanted done that He already finished, so He gave you birth to start it. So you’re not here as an experiment, you’re here as an assignment. You came to earth already with your work trapped on the inside, prepared long before the world began. You’re living with your work, the problem is you’re trapped on the job.
28) Your job can suffocate your work.
29) The male is defined by his work. God gave man work first, then He gave him woman. In other words, you’re supposed to know your work before you find a woman.
30) Your worth is in your work, not from a woman. Its your work that makes you worthful. When a man doesn’t have an awareness of his work, he feels worthless.
31) A male’s value is in his work. Women don’t make men valuable, their work make them feel valuable. When a man looses his work, he feels less valuable, that’s why he beats the woman.
32) When a man finds his niche, everything comes alive. He feels important, even without anyone’s approval. When a man finds his work, he doesn’t need buddies to make him feel valuable.
33) The males esteem is in his work.
34) Work and woman: the male was given work before woman. You are supposed to already know your vision for your life before you marry a woman. Eve met Adam with two things: in Gods presence, and two, working. A woman is supposed to meet you with two things: Gods presence and working.
35) The woman was created to help the man. If someone is coming to help you, you must be doing something. God said, I will make for him a helper. Everything God built into a woman is to help her man. When some men meet some women, they feel threatened, coz they’ve got no project for her to work on.
36) Most men marry women like companies hire people. Some companies hire people and don’t give them anything to do. Its so frustrating to hire someone and not tell them what to do. When a man discovers his work, then he’s ready for a woman to help him in his work.
37) A woman needs a mans work to be fulfilled, coz, she’s a helper. A helper comes to help you. If you need to lift a podium, and you need help, you either need someone as strong as you are, or stronger. We think the woman is the weaker vessel. The word weaker in the Bible means delicate, not without strength. The helper has to either be as strong or stronger, to help you with your work.
38) Men consider women a threat coz they don’t have any work for the woman to do. A woman needs her man who knows his work.
39) If a man wants to marry a woman, the first question a woman should ask a man is not do you love me?, but where are you going. Work before woman, vision before woman, assignment before woman.
40) When a man finds his work, he secures the peace of the woman. A woman doesn’t come to compete with you, she comes to complete you.
41) Because God equipped them to help, if they come into your life and you’ve got nothing to do, they will go ahead and help themselves, by starting their own businesses, their own projects etc.
42) A female is an incubator. Her entire body is an incubator. Whatever you put into an incubator is multiplied, given life and given back to you. Incubators never keep anything. If you give a woman a sperm, she’ll multiply it, make it bigger and give you a baby. If you give her a house, she multiplies it and gives you a home. You give her groceries; she multiplies it and gives you a meal. Give her a word, she’ll multiply it and give you a sentence. Give her frustration, she’ll multiply it and give you hell. You can always tell what you’ve given a woman by what she is giving back to you.
43) She came into your life to help. A woman is frustrated by a man who doesn’t know his own vision. Your job is not your work.
44) The most important discovery of a male is his work.
45) Vision gives a male a sense of meaning in life. Vision provides security and meaning for the female also coz she came into your life to help you go to wherever you are going.
46) You should never marry a woman if you don’t know where you are going. That’s an abuse of a woman. She came to help you, to help you with what, is the question.
47) We cannot go into the next century with confused men. You wife may be quiet, but she’s quietly frustrated. She needs you to find your vision for her own sanity. Prov 29 says where there is no vision, the people perish.
48) When your wife goes to work for others, she makes them rich. If she works with you, she’ll make you rich, and both of you will be rich.
49) You were never supposed to die on your job, you’re supposed to die on your work. Job is temporary, work is permanent. Your wife needs security, work is security.
50) Where there’s no vision, the people perish. Vision is more important than the person. You give your children purpose when you find your own vision. Where there is no vision, you affect all the people. Vision is a source of self control. Vision is a key to corporate and personal discipline.
51) If you have no vision, you are an open game.
52) If you have no vision, you can be lead by good things that are not right. Good things are not always right. Vision is purpose which you can see. Can you see an apple tree in an apple seed? Vision. Vision is purpose in Technicolor.
53) Some people have seen their vision but their society tells you not to dream that big. Vision is Gods deposit of his purpose in your heart. Vision is looking at your future and from it comes your passion.
54) A man who knows his purpose doesn’t go home and sit in front of the television with bear in his hand, drinking for five hours.
55) Vision makes you a finished man. Your vision is your true concept.
56) God wants you to have sight but never to live by your sight. The greatest gift God gave man is not the gift of sight, but the gift of vision. The greatest enemy of vision is sight. Sight is a function of the eyes but vision is a function of the heart. Never trust your eyes over your vision. Vision shows you what could be, sight shows you what is. Always live by what you see with your vision, and not what you see with your eyes. The Bible says we walk by faith not by sight. Vision contradict your eyes.
57) Your vision is more real than your present realities.
58) Your birth is evidence that there is something finished that you were born to start. That’s why the Bible says “He shows you your end your beginning”. God won’t allow you to see what is not there. Once you see it, that’s a fact.
59) The distance between what you see and where you are is called, the plan. Its important for you as a man to see your end. If you meet a woman at the beginning, you better not tell her what you have at the beginning, coz you aint got nothing. You better show her what you’ll have at the end. A woman can believe in your dreams more than in your pocket.
60) Never judge a man at his beginning, coz the beginning is always small. The Bible says the end of a thing is greater than its beginning. You need to find your work.
61) Joseph saw his end when he was a teenager, and Joseph believed his end so much he started talking about it. You don’t believe it until you start talking about it.
62) To know if a vision is from God, it’ll make you look like a fool. If they believe you the first time you tell them, it’s not from God.
63) Every vision only has one believer at first. Sometimes you’ve got to first convince your spouse, like Abraham and Joseph.
64) Joseph ran and told his daddy, I saw myself sitting on the throne. His brothers said are you crazy? If they don’t think you are crazy, its not a vision from God yet. Joseph’s brothers couldn’t handle his dream; they threw his clothes off and threw him in a pit. Joseph never got angry. Joseph in the pit must have said to himself, this is not what I saw. If what you see is not what you saw, then what you see is temporary. Your job is your temporary employment. Enjoy where you are, coz it isn’t permanent, its temporary.
65) When his brothers took Joseph to the desert and threw him into the pit, it had to be one of the pits right next to the highway, where the merchants caravans would be coming all the way from Syria to Egypt to do buisness. They had to have thrown him into the right pit right next to the highway. It was the right pit that the caravans had to pass. When his brothers saw the caravans, the took him out of the pit and sold him on the side of the road to the caravans. He was in the right pit right next to the rifht highway, coz the free transportation that he needed to get to the throne was coming that same highway.

Joel Osteen:New Beginnings


We all love to see miraculous transformations. Whether it’s a sports team that goes from worst to first in a single season, a life-saving surgery for a child, a person that loses hundreds of pounds, or even the amazing home make-overs on TV, that takes a home in much need of TLC, and literally transforms it into a beautiful mansion — we all love the ending outcome of miraculous transformations.
Anytime we want to have a change though, especially one that will make our lives better, it requires us to believe that it can happen. We have to make a choice to have hope.
  • Most of us have found ourselves in a place where we were on the edge of loosing something very precious to seemingly everything.
  • Whether you’ve lost your job, your mortgage is in risk of foreclosure, your relationships are struggling, or you or a loved one needs healing, I want to encourage you to never give up!
It all begins with a choice; the choice to never give up. God always completes in us what He has started; His good work and good plan. (Phillippians 1:6).
“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
I love the story of a man named Ira. His story is the perfect example of what happens when you never give up. By the time he was 12, both of his parents had died. He and his brothers had no choice but to take care of themselves. So they got jobs working at a ranch.
Through hard work and refusing to give up, Ira eventually got married and saved enough to buy a small ranch of his own. He kept dreaming, staying focused and making good decisions.
He bought a small grocery store, which turned into a big success. But he didn’t stop there either — he then sold the store to purchase a large 20,000 acre ranch in West Texas.
Not long after this big move, the Great Depression hit with full force and Ira fell behind on his payments. The bank threatened to foreclose and take away everything he’d worked so hard for through the years. At the last moment, just days before Ira lost everything, massive reservoirs of oil were discovered on his ranch!
Instead of losing everything, Ira received more than enough resources to bless his entire family and many more throughout his area. He provided jobs for people in need, built schools, children’s homes, Boy Scout camps, Salvation Army centers and developed a town that still exists today.
I love this story because his life was suddenly transformed.
Now I’m not saying that you’re going to find oil on your property or instantly become a millionaire! But what I am saying is that no matter how dark things look, God can turn things around in a single moment.
We all just enjoyed the changing of seasons, from winter to spring. Spring symbolizes new birth, a fresh start. No matter how cold and harsh your winter might have seemed, or even been, I want to encourage you to see your new fresh start in God. This spring, let this truth take root in your heart and mind: In a single moment, God can make all things new for you.
It all starts with your mind and attitude. Even if you don’t physically see this change right now, God can transform your heart and thinking, giving you peace that the world can’t give you. It’s a sustaining peace. It’s hope. Hope carries you through as you wait for your completing moment.
Ephesians 1:19–20 says: “I pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead...” (NLT) Think about it! The Bible says that God gives the same power that raised Jesus from the dead to those who believe Him.
He triumphed over every force of darkness, disease and destruction. And He’s promised to give this same victory to everyone who puts their trust in Him!
God’s incredible power is available for you, but you have to do your part and believe in Him and by faith, receive what He is offering and persevere in your hope!
When you face challenges and tough times, do you focus on the negative and begin to complain about how unfairly you are being treated? When you give in to those thoughts, you stop the transformation process.
When you are filled with doubt and unbelief, God’s miracle for you is put on hold. And it stays on hold until you begin to walk again in obedience and put your complete trust in Him.
When you stay positive, full of hope, and do not give up on God, He can take any situation in your life, any circumstance, regardless of the economy or what the world might say, and turn things around in a single moment for your benefit. Your life can change in a moment just like Ira’s and just like the disciples — who went from being alone and afraid to boldly proclaiming the message of Christ to every nation, making an impact on the entire world!
2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us, “...anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (NLT)
No matter what you are facing today, I want to encourage you...
When you decide to not give up and put your whole trust in Christ, you pave the way for greater things to happen for you, in you and through you!
We are all hearing the negative reports about the current economic conditions; I hear them too. But in order for us to overcome these challenges, it’s important to know what God’s Word says about it.
His Word promises us in Philippians 4:19: “And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (AMP). God promises us that He is able to meet every need.
Remember, no matter what challenges you’re facing, God will make all things new in your life!
But it’s up to you and your choice! Keep choosing to stay in hope, believing for God to make things new, in His time. Remember, if we don’t give up, in due time we will be richly rewarded!

Baraka: Your life will change completely

Baraka: Your life will change completely

Hi, my name is Baraka, I know every one like good story, today I have good story for you, and the main character of the story is you, Baraka you can’t be serious? Am very serious and I mean it. Let’s move and hear me when I tell you this.
You are so unique and there is no one like you. You have powerful potential, talents and gifts to change your life and bless people around you, God has give you those gifts, and your gift back to God is how do you use those gifts, many of us we blame others especially on the destiny of our life, am here in this valley of give up, because of that man, I can’t move on with my life because of that bad woman who confuse my mind, I will never do business with men, they are bad people.
I want to assure you, you will never change anything in your life, if you will continue to sing that song (blaming song), you need to change, and time for change is now, listen, I want to promise you, if this time you will change the way you think, your best TV programs, your favorite websites, movies, recreation areas and move your heart to God, and directs your mind on best inspiring books, motivational friends, watching educational TV programs, Your life will change completely and you will never be the same. Dare to change, your life is in your hands, and no one else
 I pass through many challenges in my life, especially intrapersonal conflict, and today I can just say it was happen for the better, am a better Baraka now, I use my creativity to inspiring millions of young people and this time I want to see you prosper in every area of my life, make sure you convert your ideas into plan (write down your vision) and then work on your plan, I did that and now am the Managing Director of Tanzania House of Inspiration, this house of inspiration is my gift to you, visit our websites for your personal inspiration and you will discover your inner ability to change your life, I real love you my dear.


Hakuna mtu aliyeumbwa ili afanye makosa,kila mtu ameumbwa ili aishi katika viwango vya juu vya maisha na kutimiza kusudi la maisha,mtu anapoishi katika viwango vya juu na kutimiza kusudi la maisha,huyafurahia maisha na kuona maisha ni ya thamani.
Ni hulka ya mwanadamu kujaribu vitu vingi katika maisha yake, haswa vijana hupenda kudadisi na kujaribu mambo mengi katika maisha, Albert Einstein alipata kusema “Kama haujawai kufanya kosa lolote,basi haujawai kujaribu kitu chochote”,kwa mantiki hiyo mtu anayejaribu vitu vingi,hufanya makosa mengi.
 Katika kutimiza ndoto ya maisha yako,utajaribu vitu vingi,na katika majaribio hayo kuna makosa utakayo yafanya,na haina maana kwamba uishie hapo hapo pindi unapofanya makosa ,bali unapaswa kujifunza kutoka katika makosa hayo,unapojifunza kutoka katika makosa,una jenga hali na ufahamu wa kutokurudia makosa yale yale,watu wengi wanarudia makosa mara nyingi,kwasababu tu hawana utaratibu wa kujifunza katika makosa yao,leo hii thubutu kujifunza katika makosa yako,na si kujiona mtu usiyefaa.
Achilia mbali makosa yanayofanywa na mtu anapotaka kutimiza ndoto zake,kuna makosa ambayo mtu hufanya katika maisha yake ya kila siku,aidha kwa kukusudia au kwa kutokusudia,baada ya mtu kufanya makosa mara nyingi mtu hujisikia ana hatia(guilty),wapo watu wanaotubu na wengine wala hata hawatubu,wapo naojisamehe nafsi zao na wapo ambao hawajisamehi nafsi zao.
 Mtu anapokuwa na hatia hupoteza hamu ya kufanya mambo makubwa (Extra ordinary things), leo hii tuna watu wengi sana wanaoteswa na hisia za mambo waliyofanya katika maisha yao,hawawezi kuelezea na wala hawajui wa anzaje kueleza,wana ndoto,lakini kuta za gereza la fikra zimewazui wasitimize ndoto zao,tuna waona wanafuraha na Amani lakini kiukweli hawana,wamefungwa kisawa sawa.
Mimi sijui upo gereza gani, ni wewe tu ndiye unayejua, na tena unajua umekaa gerezani kwa siku ngapi, wiki nagapi, miezi mingapi, miaka mingapi? Hauwezi ukawa huru kama hisia za makosa zimekufunguka, ni lazima utoke huko, kwani tangu umekuwa kwenye hilo gereza umefaidika na nini? hakuna ulichopata Zaidi ya hisia za maumivu.
Ndoto uliyo nayo ni kubwa sana,muda wakuanza kuitekeleza ni sasa,ili uweze kuitekeleza ni lazima utoke gerezani,utakapotimiza ndoto yako utayabadilisha maisha yako na maisha ya watu wengine. Wakati wako ni sasa, toka huko kwenye maumivu ya hisia za makosa,na uishi maisha  yenye furaha siku zote.
Kwa msaada na ushauri
Na Baraka Daniel

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